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Where to find the essential oils?

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Where to find the essential oils? Empty Where to find the essential oils?

Post  kungenlol Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:01 am

Where to find the essential oils?
You get a small amount from most fresh greens and freshly-ground whole wheat flour. Recent research suggests that ORGANIC milk has much higher levels than milk from

intensive farms. wholesale essential oilBut if you don't eat enough of these - and let's face it, most of us don't - read on.

The essential oil in shortest supply is ALA (18:3w3). It is found in the seeds, or the seed oils, of:

Flax (linseed) - the richest natural sourcewholesale essential oils.
Hemp* (yes, some shops do stock them and no, you don't get high) - nature's perfectly balanced oil seed, but crunchy husk.
Rape (but not the "canola" variety) - ok, supplement with flax. Bland taste, love it or hate it.
Walnut - ok, supplement with flax.
Pumpkin seed - ok, the oil can be a little bitter. Supplement with flax.
The other essential oil is LNA (18:2w6). It is found in quite a few places, especially the seeds, or the seed oils, of:

Safflower - the richest natural seed source. Don't over-indulge!
Evening primrose - the richest seed oilessential oils supplier source, but the seeds don't contain much oil. Don't over-indulge

the oil!
Avocado - the flesh, not the seed - but you knew that.
Pumpkin - the oil essential oils companycan be a little bitter.
Hemp* - nature's perfectly balanced oil seed, but crunchy husk.
*Hemp seeds and seed oil can contain traces of the drug THC, in far too small a quantity to get high, but enough to be detected by a drug test. Some shops do stock

them and they are a very well-balanced food, so do try to find them.

The essential oilsessential oil wholesale go off very quickly, so should be kept away from light, heat and air - they'll keep up

to a week or so in the fridge once opened. Dont be put off by this, they last longer than the milk you are used to keeping in the fridge! They are destroyed by

commercial processing, so always buy FRESH COLD PRESSED.

Pesticides often concentrate in fats and oilsessential oils wholesale, so it is best to buy ORGANIC whenever possible.


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Join date : 2010-04-08

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