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List of Essential Oils for Hair Growth

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List of Essential Oils for Hair Growth Empty List of Essential Oils for Hair Growth

Post  kungenlol Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:01 am

List of Essential Oils for Hair Growth
Here is a list of different oils that contribute towards hair growth.
Rosemary: Rosemary oilwholesale essential oil is not only good for hair growth, but also for soothing itchy skin. It increases the

blood circulation to the scalp which encourages hair growth and at the same time, helps in fighting dandruff. However, rosemary oil is usually not recommended for

pregnant women as well as for people who are suffering from hypertension.
Lavender: Apart from being an anti-bacterial agent, Lavender oilwholesale essential oils happens to possess several regenerative

properties which make it ideal for treating skin and scalp problems such as dandruff, itchiness and hair loss. When used in combination with other essential oils, it

is said to produce remarkable results with respect to hair growth.
Jojoba: Jojoba oil is probably one of the most popular and well-known oils when it comes to natural hair loss remedies. What makes it so popular is that it can be

easily mixed with any other oil (such as coconut oil) and can produce amazing results for people suffering from hair loss due to dry or damaged hair. At the same time,

jojoba oil itself serves the purpose of being a good carrier oil essential oils supplierin which other essential oils can be

mixed. Jojoba oil is often used in combination with rosemary oil in various hair treatment products. The resultant combination of the two oils makes for a very

effective hair conditioner.
Basil: This is another essential oil essential oils companyfor hair treatment and hair growth. It is especially useful for people

having oily hair and when used in conjunction with fenugreek, it improves the blood circulation to the hair tissue, which promotes hair growth.
Tea Tree Oilessential oil wholesale: Thanks to its antiseptic and anti-viral properties, tea tree oil is widely used for treating

a number of problems such as flu, warts, cuts and bruises, as well as for treating skin and scalp problems. It is very effective in treating dandruff and when used in

conjunction with jojoba oil or any other carrier oil, it makes for an effective hair loss solution.
In addition to the above-mentioned oils, there are a number of other essential and herbal oils which are beneficial for hair growth.
clary sage
carrot root
These were some essential oils for hair growth and hair loss prevention. Most of them need to be mixed with a carrier oil such as almond, sesame or jojoba before they

can be used. Though all of these essential oilsessential oils wholesale have numerous medicinal benefits, some of them can at

times, have certain side-effects. Therefore, it is always advisable that you consult an experienced trichologist before you begin using them.


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Join date : 2010-04-08

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