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Guide to Diluting Essential Oils 3

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Guide to Diluting Essential Oils 3 Empty Guide to Diluting Essential Oils 3

Post  kungenlol Thu Jun 03, 2010 12:11 am

The Easiest Way to Make a 2% Dilution
A good rule of thumb when seeking to make a 2% dilution essential wholesale is to add 12 drops of essential oil to each fl. ounce (30 ml) of cold pressed wholesale essential oil carrier oil, lotion, vegetable butter or other natural lipid/moisturizerwholesale essential oils.
On average, 600 drops of essential oil equals 30ml or 1 fl. ounce. 2% of 600 drops equals 12 drops (600x.02).
To easily approximate essential oil wholesale a 2% dilution, add 12 drops of your chosen essential oil to 1 fl. oz (30ml) of carrier oilessential oils wholesale. Technically, this method of measurement is not entirely precise — 2% essential oil wholesale natural oils should be added to only 98/100th of an ounce of carrier, but adding it to a full ounce essential oil company makes this so much easier for most individuals to measure.
When working with small quantities wholesale aromatherapy of essential oils, the easiest way to measure is by the dropwholesale herbal extract. Unfortunately, one drop of one essential oil may be bigger or smaller than another because of the viscosity export essential oils and temperature of the oil and the size of the dropper or orifice reducer. As suchessential oils wholesale, measuring by the drop is not the most accurate method of measuring essential or carrier oils, but it is acceptable for wholesale organic oils creating small topical blends.

Beware: Some Companies and Therapists Promote Using Essential Oils On the Skin At Full Strength
One essential oil company in particular lavender oil wholesale has a strong reputation for promoting the neat use jojoba oil wholesale of essential oils on the skin. I'm not going mint oil wholesale to give this company any added attention by elaborating, but linalool wholesale I will make this comment: By actively promoting wholesale chemical products the use of undiluted essential oils on the skin, they stand to make a lot more money because consumers will need to purchase greater quantities of essential oils chemical suppliers than if they dilute them. Think about it.
A concerning practice known as Raindrop Therapy focuses upon applying pure, undiluted essential oils wholesale chemical compounds directly onto the skin somewhat in a dripping ("raindrop") fashion. The burning essential oil supplier and pain that is felt is considered by these practitioners to be the body releasing toxins. This is a crude generalization, but the point of this aromatic chemical article is not to detail the specifics of this practice but merely point out that it is not regarded as safe.


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Join date : 2010-04-08

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