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Young Living Farms 1

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Young Living Farms 1 Empty Young Living Farms 1

Post  kungenlol Mon May 31, 2010 9:01 pm

One of Young Living's most valuable assets wholesale lavender oil - and one that helps solidify our position as the world leader in essential oils lavender oil wholesale- is the ownership of our farms. From the United States, to France and to Ecuador, Young Living Lavender Farms export lavender oil are what set us apart in the competitive environment of aromatherapy companies and chemically enhanced essential oil knock-offs lavender oil export. Young Living is not an aromatherapy company. We are dedicated to harnessing wholesale jojoba oil the power of nature in its purest form: essential oilsjojoba oil wholesale. It is through our farms that we are able to assure oil purity from seed to seal, and include our neighboring communities wholesale jasmine oil in the process of harvesting, distillation, and community building events.
Starting from humble beginnings on just a quarter acre of land in Spokane, Washington, Young Living jasmine oil wholesale now owns and operates four 100% natural farms. Young Living Lavender Farms export jasmine oil in Mona, Utah; St. Maries, Idaho; Simiane-la-Rotonde, France; and the diverse crops of Finca Botanica Aromatica in jasmine oil export Guayaquil, Ecuador, allow us to connect with nature. There we grow, cultivate, test, and develop the best methods for harnessing the therapeutic wholesale chemical products strength found in nature. From the moment a seed is planted in the fertile ground at any one of the Young Living farms wholesale essential oils, its environment is carefully monitored and controlled essential oils wholesale in accordance with stringent standards determined by years of research and development.
It is through decades of research and development that Young Living has determined the most effective methods of farming that yield the most potent essential oils wholesale essential oils on the market today. From monitoring the pH levels in the soil, to the method of stressing the plants a few days prior to harvest, all Young Living plants receive tender loving care every moment leading up to harvest essential oil wholesale and distillation.


Posts : 227
Join date : 2010-04-08

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