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Investment returns in perspective

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Investment returns in perspective Empty Investment returns in perspective

Post  kungenlol Sun May 16, 2010 10:50 pm

Savers are always keen to know lavender oil how their investment manager buy lavender essential oil is performing and, when times are lavender oil export tough, investors can get pretty wholesale lavender oil excited about how their investment buy jasmine oil manager is stacking up relative to buy jasmine essential oil others. Comparing the performance of investment wholesale jasmine oil managers is much easier said than done. Reported investment returns reflect a host of factors that can make comparisons nonsensical.

The government has recently moved jasmine oil supplier to fast track changes to KiwiSaver buy rosemary oil reporting requirements, so members can buy rosemary essential oil accurately compare re[ums, fees and assets wholesale rosemary oil of each fund in a consistent and comparable rosemary oil supplier manner. This sounds great--but let's look buy jojoba essential oil at some industry reporting standards and why wholesale jojoba oil they don't tell the full story. People think their reported jojoba oil supplier performance is what their account would be worth if they buy jojoba oil dosed it. But there is difference between reported performance buy peppermint oil numbers and what an investor would actual[y put in their wallet. That difference is the cost of fees and taxes.

If all fund managers reported returns after all essential oils export costs have been deducted, investors buy peppermint essential oil would be able to make much more accurate comparisons. But that's wholesale peppermint oil not how it happens. The current convention in New Zealand is to report re[ums after fees and expenses have been deducted but before Lax is paid--making the return look better than it actually is.

Let's have a look at how the tax bill can affect value of an investment, and skew the reported returns at the same time. Portfolio A reports a pre-tax return of 12 percent and Portfolio B reports a pre-tax return of 10 percent. Let's say the fund peppermint oil supplier managers have invested in assets with different tax status, so Portfolio A's return buy rose essential oil is totally taxable and Portfolio B's isn't. The after-tax return would actually be 8.4 percent for Portfolio wholesale rose oil A and 10 percent for Portfolio B.

Despite performance data claiming to be after fees rose oil supplier but before tax, read the fine print and you'll likely find not all fees have been deducted. The management fee buy rose oil will have been deducted, but there are other expenses that may or may not have been. These include custody, trustee, legal and marketing costs and aroma chemical so on. Published performance tables synthetic chemical don't disclose what fees and expenses are or are not included in the calculation, and generally aromatic chemical exaggerate the actual performance of an individual saver's account.

If the government is looking for a standard for reporting performance wholesale essential oils that's meaningful for savers,essential oils wholesale it should be after all fees, expenses export essential oils and taxes have been deducted.


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Join date : 2010-04-08

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