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A Fresh Perspective: Vampires, Zombies, & Werewolves, Oh My!

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A Fresh Perspective: Vampires, Zombies, & Werewolves, Oh My! Empty A Fresh Perspective: Vampires, Zombies, & Werewolves, Oh My!

Post  ivyivy Sat Apr 10, 2010 12:36 am

I plan on preaching next weekend at my church on an unlikely topic and I am preaching about this concept: what do vampires, zombies, and werewolves have to do with our walk with God? I know I may be losing some of you with help.Get Smart series dvd is a also a good tv serise. Hope you can get more and more fun from our we are waiting for you visit. Thank you for your
The Vampire Diaries series dvd tv show is very good .the title of this week’s column but, in reality, we are all monsters and we all need blood to survive.

You may be thinking, “If he is going to write about his sermon, why do I need to go hear him speak?” You don’t have to come hear me but, trust me, I definitely use more than five hundred words when I preach. This is just the introduction to what I will be sharing.

I am somewhat obsessed with vampire stories, and I know for a fact that I am not the only one. Vampires are more popular today than, possibly, ever before. “True Blood,” “Twilight,” and a roster of lesser-known titles are in circulation everywhere, yet the parallels to humanity are clearly drawn. We all have a duality to ourselves: the side we want everyone to see, and what is lurking beneath the surface in our hearts. merlin dvd box set is very good. If you want
get smart series dvd to know more about our get smart series dvd products you can visit our website buffy the vampire slayer box set the tv show I will satisfy you very much. When you look at a vampire, you see a very normal looking person until their appetite is satiated.

Werewolves, however, are not necessarily bad when they are human. Their problem is that they do not have any control over themselves when the monster comes out. Whereas a vampire knows what he is doing when the monster in him or her comes out, a werewolf has little or no recognition of what is going on when the monster is out. Their circumstances are out of their control, yet they also crave blood.

Lastly are my friends the zombies, which too many of us resemble too much of the time. Zombies have zero control of themselves at any time, according to mythology, yet the only thing that they crave at any time is once Rome DVD TV show is perfectagain blood. In fact, if they do not have blood they will surely die.

So what does this all have to do with our spiritual walks? Everything. We are all dirty, filthy, creepy, disgusting monsters, but we do not have to stay that way. Instead, we have the ability to be made whole. One of my favorite characters in television history is “Angel” from “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” He was a vampireTheTwo and a half men DVD is an excellent comedy season。While Boston Legal DVD tv show is worth watching. Watching House MD DVDis a good relaxation, Best NCIS DVD is on sale. Most watched Charmed DVD with a soul. It was his choice whether to give in to his cravings or to rise above those things and do what was right. He had moments of weakness and was not always successful, much like us as humans, but he strived to do what was right. We too are imperfect beings, but we all have choices that we can make.

Too often we are a hybrid of the three above-named monsters, because what we need in order to survive spiritually is the blood of the Lamb. The Bible discusses in great detail that the blood of God is what takes away our sin one tree hill dvd is a wise decision. This Medium DVD is much cheaper than its previous version. The Apprentice DVD is the best seller of many stores. Watch one tree hill dvd season is great joy on raining days.If you have bought prison break dvdand what washes us white as snow (John 1:29; Isaiah 1:18; Psalm 51:7). His blood, in both the literal and figurative senses of the word, is the only reason that we can come before God (Hebrews 9:13-15). Without the blood we are just dirty monsters who will not survive, physically or spiritually.


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Join date : 2009-12-06

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