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AmeriNet Inc - news multiple supplier agreements - Brief Article

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AmeriNet Inc - news multiple supplier agreements - Brief Article Empty AmeriNet Inc - news multiple supplier agreements - Brief Article

Post  kungenlol Mon May 10, 2010 8:57 pm

AmeriNet Inc., St. Louis,lavender oil renewed supplier agreements for clinical laboratory buy lavender essential oil services and medical screening devices and entered a three-year lavender oil export contract for interventional products.

The nation's largest membership-based wholesale lavender oil health care group purchasing buy jasmine oil organization (GPO) extended its agreement buy jasmine essential oil with Specialty Laboratories Inc., a research-driven wholesale jasmine oil clinical reference laboratory, for clinical lab jasmine oil supplier services.

Physicians at AmeriNet's member facilities buy rosemary oil will have access to Specialty's range of services that wholesale essential oils meet specific clinical needs in 15 buy rosemary essential oil specialty areas.

The GPO also extended its contract wholesale rosemary oil with Natus Medical Inc., a manufacturer of devices essential oils wholesale designed to screen for disorders in rosemary oil supplier newborns. The three-year extension will make Natus' buy jojoba essential oil ALGO[R] Newborn Hearing Screeners available to AmeriNet wholesale jojoba oil members.

AmeriNet said ALGO is the only device jojoba oil supplier currently available designed and clinically export essential oils tested specifically to screen newborns for buy jojoba oil hearing impairment.

Tim Johnson, president and CEO buy peppermint oil of Natus, said, "Screening every baby for hearing loss, rather than only those at essential oils export high risk, is now the standard buy peppermint essential oil of care in the United States."

The GPO signed a three-year agreement wholesale peppermint oil with Sulzer IntraTherapeutics Inc., an operating division of Sulzer Medica, Winterthur, Switzerland, peppermint oil supplier for peripheral stents.

AmeriNet said the agreement will allow buy rose essential oil it to offer members Sulzer's complete line of balloon expandable and wholesale rose oil self-expanding stents.

John Erb, president of rose oil supplier Sulzer IntraTherapeutics, said the contract buy rose oil will make available a superior product aroma chemical line.

"AmeriNet recognizes synthetic chemical the importance of new aromatic chemical technology and the potential impact of that technology for its members," he said.


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