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Amazing Race's Carol and Brandy: Caite "Very Clearly Had a

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Amazing Race's Carol and Brandy: Caite "Very Clearly Had a Empty Amazing Race's Carol and Brandy: Caite "Very Clearly Had a

Post  goodman Tue Apr 13, 2010 1:53 am

Caite Upton and Buffy the Vampire Slayer dvd seasonBrent Horne seemed to have Dark Angel dvd season it out for Carol Rosenfeld, 47, Dawsons Creek box setand Brandy Snow, Desperate Housewives dvd season40, from the beginning of The Amazing Race this season Scrubs dvd season — which was news to the couple. House MD dvd season"We both had separate conversations Entourage dvd seasonwith her and Caite talked Dexter box setabout [her infamous answer at Miss Teen USA 2007] and how she overcame it. I remember specifically The office complete season saying, 'Good for you,'shaun the sheep dvd box set so to find out how much The dead zone complete seriesshe hated us was a complete shock," women's murder club box setCarol tells steele dvd season The models' self-described Disney dvd hatred culminated in them Scrubs Season 9 box set dvdU-Turning Carol and Brandy in Sunday's Nip Tuck box setepisode, leading to their anger-filled Numb3rs dvd seasonelimination. Get the Sex and the City box setduo's take La Femme Nikita dvd seasonon the so-called "feud," How I met your mother dvd seasonwhy they think Caite iEverybody hates Chris dvd seasonn particular was after them, Remington Steele dvd seasonsand if they would've used the Xena Warrior Princess dvd seasonU-Turn on the models. Heroes dvd seasonsWhat was your first thought when Lost dvd box setyou saw that you were U-Turned Stargate Atlantis dvd box setby Brent and Caite?
Brandy: Just shock. Buffy the Vampire Slayer dvd seasonIn a common-sense world, strategy dictates, you know,Dark Angel dvd season "take the stronger team out."Dawsons Creek box set They didn't do that. I had no idea how Desperate Housewives dvd seasonpersonal it was. We never Scrubs dvd seasonreally had any negative interactions House MD dvd season with Caite or Brent. We didn't seek Entourage dvd seasonout a friendship with them, Dexter box setbut we also didn't have an The office complete seasonopportunity to race alongside them except shaun the sheep dvd box setin Malaysia when they The dead zone complete series passed us on the stairs. When they did that, women's murder club box setyou didn't see us pissed.remington steele dvd season I actually told Caite that she Disney dvddid a kick-ass job. Just like how I said to Mike, "You're a rock star."Scrubs Season 9 box set dvd We both were very complimentaryNip Tuck box set and supportive of the other racers. Numb3rs dvd seasonTo watch the name-calling JAG dvd season and hatred unfold has been The Prisoner complete series an emotional rollercoaster. IJAG dvd seasont's also surprising because The Vampire Diaries dvd release you don't know it's happening until Homicide: Life on the Street dvd you watch it. You know, rome series dvdthem calling us "the mean lesbians."

Amazing Race's Steve Homicide: Life on the Street dvd and Allie: Elimination The Vampire Diaries dvd releasewas "hard to swallow" JAG dvd seasonThey hardly ever referred to you by your names.
Brandy: Yeah, it's like, The Prisoner complete series"I have a name!"
Carol: I don't want to go to the point Sex and the City box setwhere I say she's homophobic because La Femme Nikita dvd seasonthat's a pretty severe indictment of somebody. How I met your mother dvd seasonI don't know. People How I met your mother dvd season
Everybody hates Chris dvd seasonwill have to be the judge of that, Remington Steele dvd seasonsbut you watch it and you don't know Xena Warrior Princess dvd seasonthis is going on, and you like to think that in this day and age,Heroes dvd seasons people of a much younger generation Lost dvd box setwould be a little more open-minded. It is what it is. Stargate Atlantis dvd box setShe was clearly obsessed with beating and eliminating us. Buffy the Vampire Slayer dvd seasonI think she very clearly had a problem with Dark Angel dvd seasonus as lesbians, not with us as individuals because she never individually indicts Dawsons Creek box setone of us as having done anything specifically Desperate Housewives dvd seasonwrong to them. Scrubs dvd seasonShe seemed to be hung up on your tiara comment in the House MD dvd seasonfirst episode and said you guys were always mean to her.Entourage dvd season Did you make other comments or jokes about her that we didn't see?
Carol: No. The whole joke is,criminal minds episode "Is she racing with her sash and tiara?"Criminal minds series dvd That's not even mean! I don't think Criminal minds dvd collectionit is at all a personal attack or a value statement about it. We made the same joke about the cowboys: criminal minds season 5"It's amazing the cowboys raced in their magic criminal minds season 4 hats." I think it would've been hysterical had she criminal minds tvshown up in a sash and tiara. That would be props to her Curb Your Enthusiasm complete series. ... She liked to use the word "haters" Seinfeld complete seasonabout people who latched on to the YouTube sensation. CSI Las Vegas complete seasonYou kind of wonder if "hater" Medium seasonmaybe applies back the way she spoke about us. csi miami box setAnd having gone through that, you think maybe Disney dvd collectionshe would've been more sensitive to that.

Amazing Race's Jeff and Disney box setJordan: We like to make mistakes So you Michael Jackson DVD Collection had no inkling at all that they would U-Turn you?
Carol: We had no idea. Michael Jackson Ultimate dvd CollectionOur goal was to fly under the radar. The shield dvd season... As I look back, I think she maybe thought Brandy was stealing her spotlight. She said on the show Grey's Anatomy dvd seasonshe would like to be the only girl left. Brandy's Curb Your enthusiasm dvd seasonsa beautiful woman and she's a former model. This is what Caite aspires to be.get smart complete series I don't think she expected a woman to be on there the west wing complete serieswho was every bit as attractive as she was.Bones dvd season I'm not blaming Brandy, but you know, if anyone is to blame, buffy the vampire slayer complete seriesit's me for making a joke Day 1. I'm a joker! You saw it on the zipline. Brandy Buffy the Vampire slayer dvdwas like, "Why are you going faster?" "Because I'm fatter than you are!" ... I make jokes about myself before stargate atlantis dvdI do about anyone else. If you don't have a sense of humor about yourself, six feet under complete seriesI don't know how you get through life. The Wire box setIf you choose to put yourself out there, you better The Sopranos complete series dvdhave a sense of humor. The cops Boston Legal box set"trained" Brent and Caite to U-Turn you in an effort to avoid being U-Turned themselves. Sons of anarchy dvd releaseWhat do you think about that?Monk dvd season
Brandy: While I don't like the way the cops The Closer dvd seasonplayed the game, they get props for being smart.Mad men dvd season Two weeks ago, watching them stand on MacGyver complete series the mat and calling us out, I was heartbroken because we bleach box setwere friends with them. Talk about feeling blindsided. This was on the tail six feet under complete seriesof having a very private and personal conversation the simpsons complete seasonwith Michael about his wife, his daughter, his anger-management issues, true blood dvd season so that shocked us. Maybe I was just naïve mash complete series in not realizing the level of gamesmanship.

Amazing Race's Joe and Heidi:cold case box set Morse code challenge was "an impossible task" A lot sopranos complete seriesof fans think you would've one tree hill dvd seasonU-Turned Brent and Caite if you had gotten there first. Would you have?
Carol: No! We would've U-turned glee season 1 dvd box setthe cowboys. There's a clip online from the Malaysia leg where Phil asked us, "Who would you like to see leave?" We said, "We wouldn't Merlin series dvdreally want to see anybody go." We were like, " Merlin box setLet everybody do their best and the chips will dollhouse dvd season fall where they may." We knew the U-Turn was part of the game.rome series dvd Our strategy then was that the cowboys appeared to be the strongest team Homicide: Life on the Street dvd and then the second strongest team The Vampire Diaries dvd release
JAG dvd seasonwas Mike and Louie. They've each won the most legs.
Brandy: The cowboys set a record The Prisoner complete series in Malaysia. No one had ever before JAG dvd season gone from last to first with a Speed Bump. Sex and the City box setThey're strong competitors, they're smart competitors, and we were focused on the race, not the racers. We would La Femme Nikita dvd season not have made it personal How I met your mother dvd season— not that we had a reason to make it personal with any team. From your point Everybody hates Chris dvd seasonof view, there was no feud between you Everybody hates Chris dvd seasonand Brent and Caite at all?
Brandy: Right. What we find fascinating in the way this has been skewed, that there is a feud. mash complete seriesThere was no feud. You have to have two cold case box setparties participating for there to be a feud. sopranos complete seriesWe were the object of her hatred and derision. There wasn't a feud until [Sunday's] episode where it exploded! I don't one tree hill dvd seasonlike being attacked. I don't like being blindsided and that's exactly what happened when they U-Turned us.glee season 1 dvd box set Seriously, we're in the Seychelles and I'm bonding with Caite over a kitty! Merlin series dvdIt was very stunning for it to happen. We had no clue they Merlin box setwould U-Turn us or that they hated us like that. dollhouse dvd season Now America's starting to believe there is a feud.

Amazing Race's Monique rome series dvd and Shawne: We hated "that stupid wooden horse" You were angry after Homicide: Life on the Street dvd getting U-Turned. Do you think your The Vampire Diaries dvd release anger affected your performance afterward?
Carol: No. The fact of the JAG dvd season matter is, while we were toast, we caught up to Louie and Mike, The Prisoner complete seriesand Jet and Cord at the Roadblock.JAG dvd season I'm also amazed because ... Louie and Mike were the ones running around like chickens with their heads cut off. They couldn't do the drums, they tried to do the Fast Forward, they went to the ice cream.criminal minds season We were still in the running. We always knew from Criminal minds series dvda physical standpoint that we weren't going to outrun anyone. It would take three of my strides to match one of Brent's.criminal minds season 5 So for us, it was to stay in it. We didn't hope mistakes on our other people. criminal minds season 4We'll do our best and that's all we can do.

Curb Your Enthusiasm complete series
Seinfeld complete season
CSI Las Vegas complete season
Medium season
csi miami box set
Disney dvd collection
Disney box set What are you up to now?
Brandy: Work!
Carol: Yeah, work. I recently had a death in the family ... so dealing with that and trying to ignore all this hoopla. Being called a "mean lesbian" versus losing a parent, you know, [the former is] not going to affect me the rest of my life. Now we're going to be the fierce lesbians!


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Join date : 2009-12-10

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