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Walt Disney---The Lion King DVD

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Walt Disney---The Lion King DVD Empty Walt Disney---The Lion King DVD

Post  Selinachen Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:58 pm

"""""""How good-looking is the DVD restoration of Disney's popular animated film? Take a look at the serviceable but dull film clips incorporated Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs in the plethora of extras and compare them to the vivid gorgeousness of the film presentation. This """"""""special edition"""""""" also adds a 90-second song (""""""""Morning Report"""""""") that originated in the lavish stage musical. To Disney's credit, the original theatrical version is also included, both restored Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs and featuring two 5.1 soundtracks: Dolby Digital Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs and a new Disney Enhanced Home Theater Mix, Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs which does sound brighter. As with the Disney Platinum line, everything is thrown into the discs, except an outsider's voice Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs (the rah-rahs of Disney grow tiresome at times). The excellent commentary from the directors Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs and producer, originally on the laser disc, is hidden under the audio set-up menu.

The second disc is organized by 20-minute-ish """"""""journeys"""""""" tackling the elements of story, music, et cetera, including good background Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs on the awkward Shakespearean origins at Disney where it was referred as """"""""Bamlet."""""""" The most interesting journey follows the landmark stage production, and the kids should be transfixed Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs by shots of the real African wildlife in the animal journey. Three deleted segments are real curios Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs, including an opening lyric for """"""""Hakuna Matata."""""""" Most set-top DVD games are usually pretty thin (DVD-ROM is where it's at), but the Safari game is an exception--the kids Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs should love the roaring animals (in 5.1 Surround, no less). One serious demerit goes to the needless Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs and complicated second navigation system that is listed by continent, but just shows the same features reorderedWalt Disney DVD 164 Discs.""
Walt Disney---The Lion King DVD WqaltWalt Disney DVD 164 Discs
Walt Disney 100 Years of Magic 164 Discs DVD Box Set
Walt Disney DVD Box Set
Walt Disney 164 Discs DVD Box Set
Walt Disney 164 Discs DVD
Walt Disney DVD
Walt Disney DVD 164 Discs
Walt Disney

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Join date : 2010-01-10

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