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Mega Buzz: Scoop on Fringe, Bones, 30 Rock and More!

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Mega Buzz: Scoop on Fringe, Bones, 30 Rock and More! Empty Mega Buzz: Scoop on Fringe, Bones, 30 Rock and More!

Post  goodman Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:07 am

Fringe left us with a Curb Your Enthusiasm complete seriescrazy cliff-hanger. Seinfeld complete seasonWhat will Olivia do with her newfound knowledge about Peter? — Brandt
MICKEY: The first post-hiatus episode,CSI Las Vegas complete season April 1's "Peter, Medium season" is an '80s flashback blockbuster csi miami box set in which Walter finally tells Disney dvd collectionOlivia the truth about his son. Disney box set It fills in almost all the gaps Michael Jackson DVD Collectionin Peter's mysterious backstory: Michael Jackson Ultimate dvd Collectionwhy Olivia sees him glimmer, The shield dvd seasonhow he was cured and why he owes Grey's Anatomy dvd seasonthe Observer his life. Curb Your enthusiasm dvd seasonsPlus: We'll meet Peter's motherget smart complete series for the first time and get the west wing complete seriesa pretty good idea Bones dvd seasonhow Nina Sharp lost her arm to buffy the vampire slayer complete series "cancer."

I'm going through Buffy the Vampire slayer dvdBones withdrawal.stargate atlantis dvd Got any scoop to tide me over until April? six feet under complete series— Maria
ADAM: The landmark 100th episode reveals The Wire box setall sorts of tidbits about Booth and The Sopranos complete series dvdBrennan's past, but it's the present that really matters.Boston Legal box set After a trip down memory lane and at least one kiss,Sons of anarchy dvd release both characters will make a definitive Monk dvd seasondecision about their future together The Closer dvd season — both personally and professionally.

Can we please find Mad men dvd season30 Rock's Liz Lemon a decent love MacGyver complete seriesinterest? — Karen
MICKEY: I hope not! bleach box set Where's the funny in that? six feet under complete seriesBut I am hearing that Liz might come one step the simpsons complete seasoncloser to landing dream boyfriend true blood dvd season Astronaut Mike Dexter this spring. mash complete seriesProducers are looking for a cold case box set40-something guy to play sopranos complete seriesa pilot named Carol, one tree hill dvd seasonand his stand-up-guy description glee season 1 dvd box setmeans he's probably not destined Merlin series dvdto woo Jenna. Yes, Carol is a man,Merlin box set so stop that juvenile giggling. dollhouse dvd season As my great-uncle Carroll O'Connor might say: rome series dvdStifle it!

Why is CSI dragging this Homicide: Life on the Street dvd Dr. Jekyll thing out? The Vampire Diaries dvd release I need some answers already. — Megan
ADAM: Well, the resolution JAG dvd seasonto that case will stretch into The Prisoner complete seriesSeason 10's closing episodes, but you might get the answers father ted box setyou need sooner than expected. Sex and the City box set"The audience may see Dr. La Femme Nikita dvd seasonJekyll before the finale, but not in the context of being Dr. Jekyll," How I met your mother dvd seasonexecutive producer Carol Mendelsohn hints. She also says the person who cracks the case is not a CSI. "It will be someone that will surprise everyone. Everybody hates Chris dvd seasonIt's someone we know who has been on the show in more than one episode."

What can you Remington Steele dvd seasonstell me about Neil Patrick Harris' Xena Warrior Princess dvd seasonappearance on Glee? — Kara
MICKEY: Well, you already know Heroes dvd seasonsthat he's playing Brian Ryan, Lost dvd box setWill's mustache-twirling nemesis Stargate Atlantis dvd box setagainst whom he'll face off in song.Buffy the Vampire Slayer dvd season What you don't know is that BriRy's antipathy for Mr. Dark Angel dvd seasonSchu will have an opposite twin in his attraction Dawsons Creek box setfor Sue Sylvester! "I have words with him, Desperate Housewives dvd seasonbut we end up seeing eye to eye,"Scrubs dvd season Jane Lynch tells us. "I'm winking as I'm telling you that because there's a little chemistry between Brian Ryan and Sue Sylvester House MD dvd season— just a little bit." Ah, they'll make beautiful music together, those two.

When are Castle and Entourage dvd season Beckett going to hook up already? Dexter box set— Mike
ADAM: I will say only this: The office complete seasonOn Castle's March 22 episode Entourage dvd season— the first of two episodes guest-starring Dana DelanyScrubs dvd season — Castle spends the night at Beckett's apartment. And he makes her pancakes in the morning.

Obviously Alicia is going to get Desperate Housewives dvd seasonthe job on The Good Wife. Tell me something I don't know. — Candace
MICKEY: You don't know if Alicia is going to get the job.Dawsons Creek box set It might appear that the show ceases to exist if she's passed over, but I object! Complicating things Dark Angel dvd seasonwill be the very attractive job Buffy the Vampire Slayer dvd seasonoffer that Carey receives from a competing firm. One catch: Lost dvd box setCarey is a pretty loyal guy, and the "offer" in question isn't exactly what it seems.

Shane Casey's name popped Heroes dvd seasonsup when Danny ran the prints on his dog tags on CSI: NY.Xena Warrior Princess dvd season Are we going to see Shane again? — Bill
ADAM: You bet! Executive producer Remington Steele dvd seasonsPam Veasey says the serial killer will play a major role Everybody hates Chris dvd seasonin the season finale. However, we might get another hint about Casey when How I met your mother dvd seasonSheldon Hawkes (Hill Harper) visits guest star Harold Perrineau in prison. Bonus scoop: Perrineau's inmate and Hawkes have a family connection.

Any scoop on the spring episodes of La Femme Nikita dvd seasonThe Vampire Diaries? — Tina
MICKEY: This is what I think went down.Sex and the City box set After writing the umpteenth script in which Stefan said, "Elena, I will never let anything happen to you," and Damon says,How I met your mother dvd season "Your happiness bores me," one timid, but eminently clever writer (let's call her Fran) had an idea:Everybody hates Chris dvd season Opposite day! What do you think of my theory, Paul Wesley? "Everyone Remington Steele dvd seasonspossesses a dark side Xena Warrior Princess dvd seasonand I don't think we've seen Stefan's," the actor tells us. Heroes dvd seasons"I think we might."

Do you have you any scoop Lost dvd box setfor Season 3 of Breaking Bad? — Denise
ADAM: Skyler will seek legal assistance Stargate Atlantis dvd box setafter discovering Walt's drug-dealing ways. Buffy the Vampire Slayer dvd seasonShe doesn't turn him in for cooking meth, but she does hire a divorce attorney. Walt's refusal to accept his marital fate ultimately leads to a run-in with the Albuquerque police. Dark Angel dvd seasonBut maybe not in a way you would expect.

Is Jackie going to tell Kevin about her affair on Nurse Jackie? — Lane
MICKEY: Jackie is the kind of gal who Dawsons Creek box setlikes to have her cake (and Percocet and Oxycontin)Desperate Housewives dvd season and eat it too, so what do you think? Scrubs dvd seasonEddie's cozying up with Kevin is just the first of several shocking new ways in which he'll insinuate himself into House MD dvd seasonall facets of Jackie's life.

Deb was so close to learning Dexter's Entourage dvd seasonsecret last season. Will she figure it out this year? — Martin
ADAM: It's doubtful, if only because Dexter executive producer Dexter box set Sara Colleton feels Dex couldn't handle losing Rita and his biggest secret. "For right now, it's run its course," she says. The office complete season"We have to create a little bit of a safe father ted box set haven before we pull the rug The Prisoner complete seriesout on the poor boy."

Adam's Mega Rave: FX's Justified is the JAG dvd seasonbest new show of the spring. The Vampire Diaries dvd releaseBased on an Elmore Leonard short story, the cop show combines Homicide: Life on the Street dvdcool characters and great dialogue for an hour worthy of the network's particular rome series dvdbrand of quality testosterone. Plus,dollhouse dvd season any show that pairs Timothy Olyphant and Merlin box setWalton Goggins on screen gets my vote.

Mickey's Mini Rant: I applaud the idea Merlin series dvd behind Jessica Simpson's VH1 series The Price of Beauty, but it needs more brains.

Reader Quote of the Week: "If this was ER,glee season 1 dvd box set they wouldn't fool around. They'd just drop a helicopter on tree hill dvd season" — alex99a, on Katherine Heigl's sopranos complete seriesdeparture from Grey's Anatomy

Crave scoop on your favorite TV shows?cold case box set E-mail Mickey and Adam at mash complete series or drop us a line at


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Join date : 2009-12-10

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