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Critics of Disney princesses need to look at whole picture

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Critics of Disney princesses need to look at whole picture Empty Critics of Disney princesses need to look at whole picture

Post  ivyivy Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:24 pm

As a personthe simpsons dvd box set who grew up on Disney movies, I can get impassioned when the value of these movies is called into question.

This debate about the portrayal of the Disney princesses particularly hits a nerve. I love the Disney movies, and I still manage how i met your mother series dvdto feel strong and empowered.

I feel that those who criticize the princesses because of how they are portrayed and the supposed messagesfamily guy dvd box set they are sending to girls are not looking atSouth park dvd collection the whole disney dvd box setpicture.

There are several examples of the women in these stories being strong and independent. They also focus South park dvd collectiona lot on trying to all disney dvdsfind love, which the writer in lastNaruto complete series dvd box set week's FN criticized.

Of course, in reality people don't American dad dvdfall in love the instant they meet and get married a few days later, because love is more complex than that. But many of the most popular storiesSouth park dvd box set today are about people trying to find love; do these characters too deserve criticism for trying to catch the simpsons dvd a "hottie"?

? The writer also pointed out that the movie that 70s show dvd box set"Beauty and the Beast" has themes of domestic violence and that girls are beingdisney dvd told that if they are nice to those who abuse them they can change them.

I do not see this message in the film at all. Firsthow i met your mother series dvd of all, the Beast is portrayed as the simpsons dvd box set simply that, a beast, from the beginning of the film. He is angry and frightening and intimidating as any imagining of a beast could be. The relationship is between captor and prisoner, family guy dvd box set and it is not meant to be seen Naruto complete series dvd box setromantically.

It is not until after the Beast married with children dvd box setsaves Belle's life that things begin to turn around, and Belle is able to see what lies behind his mask. Before that point, however, Belle is strong enoughdisney dvd box set to stand up for herself and yell back, and even attempts to escape, which are disney dvd collectioncharacteristics not usually seen in someone who thinks herself in love.

As to the point the writer made that literature reflects the culture in which it was written, I would hope that an English major would know that none of these stories are originally South park dvd box setcontemporary to our culture. the simpsons dvd They are all based on fairy tales and South park dvd collectionshort stories that have been around for ages.

? For example, the story of "Beauty and the Beast" has roots as early the 1550s in "The Nights of Straparola", with modern adaptations based on a version written in 1756. "The Little Mermaid" is based on Hans Christian Andersen's story written in 1837. And several other iconic Disney princesses are based on some of the well-known "Grimm's Fairy Tales."

My point is that none of these areall disney dvds modern characters placed in modern times. They are characters in old stories who are looking for the things in life that make them happy, something South park dvd collectionto which I'm sure most candisney dvd box set relate.

If Disney is really so terrible, then married with children dvd box setmaybe we should do away with all other fanciful animated shows and films which may not necessarily portray reality, but do give enjoymentthe simpsons dvd box set and optimism and foster the imaginationsfamily guy dvd box set of kids acrossNaruto complete series dvd box set the world.


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