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Exclusive Interview with 'Survivor: Samoa' Contestant John Fincher

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Exclusive Interview with 'Survivor: Samoa' Contestant John Fincher Empty Exclusive Interview with 'Survivor: Samoa' Contestant John Fincher

Post  summersun Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:26 pm

Last night on Survivor: Samoa, John Fincher, the 25 year old rocket scientist from Los Angeles, California, got a nasty surprise when his platinum Russell Alliance card was declined. Before the season, Jeff Probst speculated that John was a poser, just talking a big game. Indeed, David entered Survivor: Samoa relatively unfamiliar with the series but armed with plenty of self-confidence, a stylish shirt and a keen knowledge of physics.
As it turned out, John won an individual immunity challenge and many team immunities, and seemed to play an instrumental role in ousting several power players. Yet, after watching the episodes I wonder how many readers still have an idea of what Jeff was getting at. Or perhaps he truly has shaken the label.
I enjoyed interviewing John this star trek voyager
morning, when I asked him about his work as a rocket scientist, his past playing semi-pro soccer, his home run in the tee ballbones complete series
challenge and how he managed to spend quite so much of the first challenge on his bac.
Q. Great plaid shirt. Where'd you get it?
That was a gift from my clearly verythe wire 1-5 dvd
stylish roommate Geoff. It's from a Danish monk dvd
company called Matinique - fits my body type very well.
Q. Why were you so knocked out after Dexter dvd boxset
the first star trek voyager dvd
challenge? Weren't you worried about making the wrong impression on your new teammates when you laid on the groundstar trek voyager dvd
for most of the challenge?
Went completely into the redzone for star trek voyager complete series
that challenge and was justtwo and a half men dvd
trying not to pass out. Jaison is a swimming machine; I probably could Disney dvd collection
have beaten anybody else, even wearing jeans. It certainly reduced the amount of people approaching me for an alliance upfront. Prison break dvd
Clearly I should have gone naked. IThat 70's show dvd
did successfully work to change the perception back at camp though and built one of my strongest alliances with Erik, someone who was initially quite annoyed with my performance.
Q. You hit a great shot in the tee ball challenge. Was it luck or experience?
Both. Baseball is admittedly not my sport, but IThe unite dvd box set
am a very good golfer. I told myself that it was a golf shot and focused on making good contact. I wanted to hit a shot True blood dvd
with high loft so it would stick when it landed as opposed to rolling/bouncing off the target area into a zone with fewer points.
Q. Why did you pick the day of the Survivor Lost dvd box set
auction to kill the chickens? Isn't that the one day almost all of you would have been full?
Not sure when we killed the chicken actually....


Posts : 586
Join date : 2009-06-02

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Exclusive Interview with 'Survivor: Samoa' Contestant John Fincher Empty Survivor Samoa: Chickens and Turkeys

Post  summersun Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:29 pm

I like Jaison but he's astar trek voyager
sucker. It never makes sense to me why dominant alliances try so hard to keep individuals on weaker alliances from winning immunity. Sure, bones complete series
I understand going all out to win an immunitythe wire 1-5 dvd
challenge. But over the seasons monk dvd
we've seen people give up theirDexter dvd boxset
seats at banquet tables in order to compete star trek voyager dvd
for immunity, and now auction away all of their money for an advantage in a challenge.
Why try so hard to ensure your group can vote out Dave, only to decide later you'd rather get rid of John anyway? Foa Foa could havestar trek voyager dvd
just as easily gotten rid of Dave, John or Brett, if it came down to it. None of them seem to be strategic giants. They all look like star trek voyager complete series
turkeys waiting to get plucked. Eat yourtwo and a half men dvd
giant cheeseburger, fries and beer! After the immunity challenge, see who's available this week and make your choice then.
One person who wasn't duped this week was John. Sure, Disney dvd collection
he kept that giant hunk of apple pie at the expense of his tribemates only to be voted off later in the episode. But you'd have a hard time convincing me his selfishness had anything to do with his downfall.
We've seen people give up food, rewards and Prison break dvd
even immunity as a gesture of good will to their tribemates only to be voted out later in the episode. Come time to vote, people are going to go for whoever they want gone. You might as well enjoy your apple pie while you can.
Monica may had the most short livedThat 70's show dvd
success in the auction, though. She won an entire rotisserie chicken, which probably sounded great until the tribe decided to kill both of its chickens that same night. People rarely enjoy a meal as much the second time.
I can't wait to ask John why the tribeThe unite dvd box set
chose that night to binge on chickens. Monica, Natalie, Mick and John had all enjoyed big meals just earlier in the day. Wouldn't they have had a greater need almost any day of the game?
Speaking of which, didn't Russell letTrue blood dvd
the chickens go during the clip show last week? How come they were still around? Were they too stupid to leave the pen? If so, I don't think Shambo has reason to feel too guilty about dropping the axe this week. They chose this life.
Perhaps you could say the same about John. ILost dvd box set
always wanted to like the rocket scientist with his brilliant purple and red plaid shirt and Colgate smile. He had all the promise on paper of someone clever, warm and competitive. But he was as much a part of Galu's collapse as anyone, staking the tribe's future on Russell's promise to vote out one of his own guys. Come on, John! Really?
With only a few weeks left until Christmas there are still eight people left in the game. Are two people going to go home next week? Or are we going to run Samoa right through the holiday season?


Posts : 586
Join date : 2009-06-02

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