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The Benefits of Using Real, Natural Soap 3

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The Benefits of Using Real, Natural Soap 3 Empty The Benefits of Using Real, Natural Soap 3

Post  essentialoils Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:56 pm

The other two methods essential wholesale are "hot process" and "cold process." The hot process method utilizes wholesale essential oil heat after the saponification process has taken place, while the wholesale essential oils cold process method does not. The cold process method takes the essential oil wholesale most time, but is undoubtedly the best method for producing essential oils wholesale the highest quality soaps.
Now, we need to discuss the ingredients wholesale natural oils. Cold process soap bars are made using a combination of oils or fats and lye. Lye essential oil company sounds a little scary, but all the caustic qualities of
the lye are removed during wholesale aromatherapy the saponification process. When the lye interacts with the oils or export essential oils fats, it creates glycerine. The type of oils and fats used make a difference in how hard or soft the soap essential oils wholesale bar ends up being, and how well it lathers wholesale organic oils.
With handmade soaps, just like essential oil supplier with commercially manufactured bars, you need to read lavender oil wholesale the labels. You want to find soaps that use only purejojoba oil wholesale, organic oils or fats. If plants are used in mint oil wholesale the bars (many bars incorporate seeds and petals from various plants) they linalool wholesale should be certified organic. Avoid any bars that use artificial colors or fragrances. wholesale chemical products These are synthetic chemicals and you don't want them on your skin or going down your drain. If you want a colored or chemical suppliers scented soap bar, look for one that uses organic essential oils and natural, organic colorants.
Another nice ingredient to find in your soaps wholesale chemical compounds is Bentonite clay. Bentonite clay is often used to increase lather in soap bars. It has the added benefit of being a natural aromatic chemical detoxifier. Bentonite clay binds with and removes toxins from your body, and it's extremely eco-friendly.
To sum it up, the best soap for your skin and our planet is a handmade, organic, all wholesale herbal extract natural cold process soap bar. Once you've tried one of these lathery treasures, you'll never again be satisfied with 'store-bought' bars. So do yourself and your world a big favor and start using REAL soap.


Posts : 81
Join date : 2010-06-03

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