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Aromatherapy Won't Make You Well 1

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Aromatherapy Won't Make You Well 1 Empty Aromatherapy Won't Make You Well 1

Post  essentialoils Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:43 am

One of the most comprehensive investigations done to date on aromatherapy failed to show any improvement essential wholesale in either immune status, wound healing or pain control among people wholesale essential oil exposed to two often-touted scents.While one wholesale essential oils of two popular aromas touted by alternative medicine practitioners – lemon – did appear essential oil wholesale to enhance moods positively among study subjects, the other – lavender – had essential oils wholesale no effect on reported mood, based on three wholesale natural oils psychological tests.
Neither lemon nor lavender showed essential oil company any enhancement of the subjects’ immune status, nor did wholesale aromatherapy the compounds mitigate either pain or stress, based on a export essential oils host of biochemical markers. In some cases, even essential oils wholesale distilled water showed a more positive effect than wholesale organic oils lavender.
The study, published online in the essential oil supplier journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, looked for evidence lavender oil wholesale that such aromas go beyond increasing pleasure and actually have a positive jojoba oil wholesale medical impact on a person’s health. While a massive commercial industry mint oil wholesale has embraced this notion in recent decades, little, if linalool wholesale any, scientific proof has been offered supporting the products’ health claims.
“We all know that wholesale chemical products the placebo effect can have a very strong impact on a person’s health but chemical suppliers beyond that, we wanted to see if these aromatic essential oils actually improved human wholesale chemical compounds health in some measurable way,” explained Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, professor of psychiatry aromatic chemical and psychology at Ohio State University and lead author of the wholesale herbal extract study.


Posts : 81
Join date : 2010-06-03

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