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The Real Life Barney From ‘How I Met Your Mother’

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The Real Life Barney From ‘How I Met Your Mother’ Empty The Real Life Barney From ‘How I Met Your Mother’

Post  ivyivy Fri Jun 18, 2010 1:45 am

Barney Stinson is the character playedBoston Legal seasonsof his time at strip clubs or getting laid by a different woman every night.Boston Legal dvd seasons Now that he has a girlfriend he has sort of settled down, but his character, the buy Boston Legal DVD“a different woman every night” guy is real. I know that person. I can’t name names but he is Cheap Boston Legal DVDa friend of mine. We’ll call him Mick. This guy is Barney Stinson, any subject youCharmed DVD Seasons try to talk to him about he turns to sex.

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