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WonderCon 2010 Exclusive: Amy Acker says 'Cabin in the Woods' is 'in the Can'

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WonderCon 2010 Exclusive: Amy Acker says 'Cabin in the Woods' is 'in the Can' Empty WonderCon 2010 Exclusive: Amy Acker says 'Cabin in the Woods' is 'in the Can'

Post  ivyivy Tue Jun 01, 2010 2:00 am

Amy Acker's no strangerThe Sopranos complete dvd to Joss Whedon's universe. And now, after stints on Whedon's Angel and Dollhouse, the fan-favorite actress is gearing up for her first big-screen foraytwo and a half men complete dvd with the genre auteur -- Cabin in the Woods. We caught up with Acker at this The Sopranos dvdweekend's WonderCon 2010, where she was promoting the upcoming ABC-TV show Happy Town. But we made sure to ask her about collaborating with Whedon ghost whisperer dvd seasonson what's the vampire diaries dvds arguably The Sopranos dvds-- alongside Ghostbusters 3 -The Sopranos dvd series- the most anticipated horror-vtwo and a half men dvd
comedy on the horizon.

Now you are no stranger to The Sopranos collectionsupernatural thrillers, The Sopranos dvd box set as one of the leading ladies of the Whedonverse. What’s the best thing about working on a show that has these otherworldly, mysterious Lost dvdsthings?

I feel so lucky that I get to do these kinds The Sopranos dvd seasonsof shows becausethe vampire diaries dvd it’s so great to get to evolve as a character. You start outLost tv series doing one thing and really the stuff that happens in the script changes you as a character and you get to… I like having to follow a story and watch it in sequence and see wheretwo and a half men dvd box set you start a season and where you end a season instead of, you know, in procedurals sometimes you can watch an episode from season five or season three and not really know… there’s not a lot of change. Lost dvd seasonsSo it’s good writing with good storytelling and good people which is all you could Lost dvdask for. Lost seasonsThat’s pretty much the whole the vampire diariesdvd seasons deal.

Let’s talk a little bit about Whedonverse.Lost box set So you weren’t picked up as a season regular when Dollhouse first started and then Joss went back and was, Lost complete colletion"That was my bad," and youtwo and a half men 1-7 dvd release were like, "Yes Mr. Whedon! That was your bad. Now, cast me inlas vegas dvd series Cabin in the Woods.las vegas dvd" That’s how it went down, right?

[Laughs.] No, pretty much I’m always just like, "Please las vegas dvd seriesgive me whatever you’re doing." [Laughs.] So yeah, Joss had told me about Dollhouse and I was like, "That sounds sooooo great! Hi!" And, not knowing what was going to happen, it was only like a week before the show started and he was like, "So there’s this part and she was gonnathe vampire diaries box set be fifty but now I want you to maybe do it," and I was like, "Okay! That sounds las vegas dvd setawesome." I two and a half men dvd seasons was just so happy to be a part of it, and it was sort of the same withlas vegas dvd seasons Cabin in the Woods. They hadn’t found someone for a part and it was a couple of weeks before they started shooting and so he called and said, "So we can’t find the vampire diaries dvd box setsomeone for this part and we start in a few weeks and can you do it?"the vampire diaries dvd seasons
And I’m like, las vegas box set"Hey. Anytime you can’t find anyone I’m available!" [Laughs.]

Let’s talk about Cabin in the Woods, because there’s las vegas seasonsso much buzz about this movie. There’s been a hold-up because they are changing it into 3-D, right?

Well, I got an email yesterdaymarried with children dvds that it’s inlas vegas dvds the can. Is that the terminology? [Laughs.] It’s all set. I think they’re still waiting to see with the 3-D and all that stuff but they’ve got all the final edits together and it’s supposed tomarried with children dvd be really awesome!

And what can we expect?married with children tv show Details!

Expect to be scared! I’m notmarried with children dvd series gonna say anymore married with children dvd box setbecause I think I already got in trouble for saying too much about it! [Laughs.married with children dvd seasons] It’s hilarious. It’s a great comedy. Just kidding. [Laughs.]

Thank you so much! Enjoy themarried with children box set convention.


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Join date : 2009-12-06

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