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24 Boss: There Will Be No "Happily Ever After" for Jack Bauer

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24 Boss: There Will Be No "Happily Ever After" for Jack Bauer Empty 24 Boss: There Will Be No "Happily Ever After" for Jack Bauer

Post  rosekitty Mon May 10, 2010 2:32 am

star trek box set of course, on Craig Ferguson's couch star trek series dvd — but the one place she never thought Criminal minds she'd wind up was hosting Saturday Night Live. "Well, Criminal minds dvdat my age, I'm an old broad. ... I said,criminal minds season 'I'd rather watch it than do it,'" she recalls of her initial criminal minds episodereaction to the invitation to host.

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Her agent, though, really wanted her to do it.Criminal minds dvd collection "To be invited to do a show as current and choice as Saturday Night Livecriminal minds season 5, he thought would be a wonderful opportunity criminal minds season 4to enjoy a different direction to go in," she says.

Besides, is there anyone as current criminal minds tv and choice as the resurgent White?

Joining White — who at 88 will be the show's oldest host ever Curb Your Enthusiasm dvd — for the Mother's Day-themed episode will be musical Curb Your Enthusiasm dvd season guest Jay-Z and six former SNL players: Curb Your Enthusiasm box set Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Molly Shannon, Maya Rudolph,Curb Your Enthusiasm dvd collection Ana Gasteyer and Rachel Dratch.

What — and who — else might we see on Curb Your Enthusiasm series dvdthe highly anticipated episode Seinfeld dvd (besides the requisite Golden Girls skit)?

Silence: Don't be surprised if White gets no love Seinfeld dvd seasonwhen she takes the stage for her monologue. "Everybody said that, oh, when you come out for Seinfeld box set the introduction, everybody's going to be so excited. And so I would love it if [they introduce me] and nothing — no applause, no nothing," Seinfeld series dvdshe says. "The audience just stares back at me. I think that could be fun."

"Crazy in Love" with Jay-Z? White is "game" CSI Las Vegas dvdo try a duet with the rapper. "I'm thrilled to meet him and thrilled to hear that he's going to CSI Las Vegas dvd seasonbe on the show because he's the hottest thing since CSI Las Vegas box setsliced bread," she says.

Beer Pong: Jimmy Fallon edged White on Late Night last June,CSI Las Vegas dvd collection and White would like the new Emmy host to make the trek from Studio CSI Las Vegas series dvd6B to Studio 8H to even the score. Medium season"Oh, I'm dying for a rematch. I almost had him," Medium dvdshe says. "And then at the very last minute he not only beat me, Medium dvd seasonbut he drank my beer."

Betty White hosting Saturday Night Live on May 8

Animals: White, a lifelong Medium dvd box setanimal advocate, hopes some furry creatures will join her in a skit. "They're the other half of my Medium series dvdlife and I love them," she says. "And they always kind of get me calm and tone me down." How does "Mark Wahlberg csi miami box setand Betty White Talk to Animals" sound?

Could it be... the Church Lady?csi miami dvd One of White's favorite SNL characters is the holier-than-thou Enid Strict. "I love the Church Lady. I don't know why. She always just tickled me pink,"csi miami dvd seasonWhite says. If SNL can round up Fey, Poehler, Shannon, Rudolph,csi miami series dvd Gastayer and Dratch, then surely Dana Carvey Disney dvd collection can drop by, right?

Possible violence: David Matthews, Disney dvdwho created the Facebook campaign to get White on SNL, will be at the show Disney dvd box set and wants to meet the star, who's up for it on one condition. "If he doesn't mind me,Disney dvd seasonyou know, beating him up for getting me into this trouble," she quips.

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Quick Wit: While cue cards Disney complete serieshave been the lifeline for many hosts (and SNL stars), White is nervous about using them.Disney box set No novice when it comes to live TV, White went to "television college" when Disney dvd box setshe performed live for five-and-a-half hours a day six days a week early in her Disney dvdcareer on the variety show Hollywood Television. Combined with her sharp wit,Disney dvd seasonthe comedienne has seldom relied on cue cards.Disney season collection "I hope the print is big enough. If it isn't, I'll do the show with my glasses," she says. Disney series dvdAnd if she still can't see them, Michael Jackson DVD Collectionwill she disarm us with her bawdy humor? "Michael Jackson DVDI have no idea what I'm going to say. Michael Jackson DVD seasonMy mental editor goes to sleep sometimes and Michael Jackson seasoon Collection I have to watch it like a hawk."

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