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Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Season 7

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Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Season 7 Empty Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Season 7

Post  Hchristmasday Mon May 10, 2010 1:39 am

Than¬k¬fully, last sea¬son of Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds is not as bad as pre¬vi¬ous one. The apoc¬a¬lyp¬tic end¬ing of sea¬son 6 ended the Two and a Half Men dvd sto¬ry¬line that was made a mess by Two and a Half Men dvd adding geek vil¬lains, and the only good thing Two and a Half Men out of that was cre¬at¬ing of Dark Wil¬low. And the first bad thing in sea¬son 7, is that there is no more Dark Two and a Half Men dvd box set Wil¬low. Reg¬u¬lar Wil¬low was good char¬ac¬ter, but we all grew tired of her, and Dark coun¬ter¬part Two and a Half Men dvds was nice change, that didn’t lasted long.
Again, deci¬sion to kill Buffy dvds at the end of sea¬son 5, proved to be bad, because dur¬ing sea¬son 6, writ¬ers didn’t man¬age to bring her truly back into Two and a Half Men seasons dvd the story, and not even the new story will not suc¬ceed at that. First part of the sea¬son has no clear direc¬tion and we have bunch of unre¬lated sto¬ries. Pre¬vi¬ously, series man¬aged to make these type Two and a Half Men dvd series of sto¬ry¬telling inter¬est¬ing and best part of series, but this time, that fails for the most part. We cheap Two and a Half Men dvd are back in re opened high school with Dawn attending.
Sec¬ond half of the sea¬son, brought back Gilles (not full time, but still), and the story (again) about open¬ing of Hell Mouth. This will get us a lot more Slay¬ers in train¬ing gath¬ered by the Gilles and Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvd box set. We will also explore Spikes past and Anya’s back story.
Spike is again used as comic relief, but also he had much wider story to play into and for the most part this char¬ac¬ter evolved a lot beyond ini¬tial setup. Good thing is that he will be back for one sea¬son in Angel spin-off. Anya is once again wasted this sea¬son. Instead of using her and expand¬ing here role, writ¬ers decided to bring in bunch of Slay¬ers to help buy Buffy dvds fight the open¬ing of Hell Mouth.
Over¬all, act¬ing is bland and I can’t really sin¬gle out any¬one. Bring¬ing back Faith was also another bad move and totally unnec¬es¬sary, but the writ¬ing has gone of the rail a long time ago and story didn’t make much sense at the times, so this is not big surprise.
Over¬all, I liked first 5 sea¬sons of Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvd, but last two are just bad. Chang¬ing the pro¬duc¬tion team and com¬pany after sea¬son 5 was not a good move, and series suf¬fered because of that. This is another proof that most TV series devel¬op¬ers don’t know when to stop. Mak¬ing sea¬sons after sea¬sons just to have some¬thing to air is prov¬ing very bad times and again.
So long to Buffy The Vampire Slayer dvds, and I rec¬om¬mend watch¬ing Angel, it’s bet¬ter and more mature in all aspects.


Posts : 296
Join date : 2009-12-14

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