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First televised leaders debate was a gladiatorial battle for the modern age

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First televised leaders debate was a gladiatorial battle for the modern age Empty First televised leaders debate was a gladiatorial battle for the modern age

Post  bestkobe520 Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:38 am

With intensity, tension and the occasional flash of anger, the three party leaders set about one another with verbal cudgels last night as the first live televised debate in British political history offered an extraordinary, sometimes electrifying, spectacle.
British voters have never seen their potential leaders clash in this way before — on immigration, law and order, corruption in politics, health care and above all, the economy. There were snide jokes, a few below-the-belt blows, some sniggering and sighing, but for viewers this was a penetrating insight into the issues facing Britain, and the faultlines between the parties.
At the outset, the three competitors set out their stalls: David Cameron portraying himself as a youthful Conservative alternative; Gordon Brown as the safe Labour hand on the tiller; and Nick Clegg, for the Liberal Democrats, as the antithesis of old politics.
The three leaders vied to outdo one another with outrage over the expenses scandal. Mr Cameron offered an apology in his opening statement, “I’m extremely sorry for what happened,” and then insisting: “Politics has been a mess for all of us.” Mr Brown declared himself “shocked and saddened”, while Mr Clegg offered a plague on both their houses. “Neither of you want to clear up the system,” he said.
The fierce exchanges were covered with only the thinnest veneer of politeness, with first-name terms covering first-class animosity. “Please, David, no more hereditary peers,” offered Mr Brown with a vulpine look. The response from Mr Cameron was immediate: “Gordon, you have had 13 years to sort out the House of Lords.”
Mr Brown then insisted “Nick supports me”, but Mr Clegg snorted: “There is absolutely nothing to support ... I support a complete clean-up and direct elections to the House of Lords.” Their hands spoke volumes: Mr Brown chopping the lectern; Mr Cameron gripping hard; Mr Clegg, by far the most relaxed, hand almost nonchalantly in pocket.
At times, the hostility bubbled as the contenders interrupted one another. In the cut and thrust the ITV moderator, Alistair Stewart, momentarily lost the plot and gave the wrong date for one of the regional debates. Mr Brown waded in with the first joke, a cheap gibe deriding the Tory advertising campaign. With thumping irony, he thanked Mr Cameron for putting up posters accusing him of multiple sins: “There’s no newspaper editor that has done as much for me, as I’m smiling.” He grinned, glacially.
But the most acrid exchanges came with the issue of party funding. Mr Clegg scored a palpable hit with allusions to the Tory donor Lord Ashcroft, and Labour’s financial reliance on the Unite union. Mr Cameron conceded that his party had been “reliant for too long on rich individuals”.
Obviously aware that anger makes ugly television, all three sought to humanise their messages: Mr Cameron alluded to his wife’s pregnancy, and the role of the NHS in treating his disabled son; Mr Brown spoke of his brother’s work to “get young people off the streets”. All alluded to the ordinary people they had met in the campaign.
For Mr Cameron, this led to his only major slip. He referred to “a black man” with concerns about immigration, adding: “We are letting down our immigrant communities.” Of course, not all black people in Britain are immigrants.
As the leaders of the two larger parties slugged it out, Mr Clegg seized his chance to gallop on to the moral high ground. “The more they attack each other the more they sound exactly the same… all I ask for is a bit of honesty.”
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