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Smallville Season 9

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Smallville Season 9 Empty Smallville Season 9

Post  robson12 Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:57 pm

Three weeks after the Smallville seasons dvd 8 finale Lois (Erica Durance) comes back to the present in a flash of light she is seen smallville dvd on board a moving train. Chasing her is an unidentified female assassin appearing also on the train with the same Smallville box set flash of light. Tragedy strikes as the train is derailed Smallville dvd box set from its tracks but Clark comes in to save the day.
Clark has been training with Jor-El in the Fortress Smallville dvd collection of Solitude for the past 3 weeks and Major Zod (Callum Blue) is still in the Luthor mansion holding Tess Mercer (Cassidy Freeman) captive smallville series dvd, trying to squeeze an information which Major Zod believes she knows. Accompanying Major Zod are a number soldiers from Kandor, but smallville dvd set powerless under the rays of the yellow sun.
smallville series Season 9 also ushers in a new character by the name of John Corben played by Brian Austin Green, a street reporter. Going back to smallville dvd online the female assassin who was pursuing Lois, she is holding a blue kryptonite designed to neutralize Clark’s powers smallville season; it seems she was trying to pursue Lois in order to use her and lure Clark smallville on dvd out in the open. Having the same powers as Clark the unidentified female assassin is decked to the ground by Clark who became more smallville tv series lethal after the training given by Jor-El.
Some of the noteworthy moments of dvd smallville Season 9
Chloe (Allison Mack) getting frustrated smallville seasons 1-8 dvd box set at Clark for not using the time-ring in order to save Jimmy and Major Zod wielding his smallville dvd sets power over an army of Kryptonians who were helpless in front of him. Lois trying to locate Oliver the Green Arrow (Justin Hartley) and discovering him in cage matches and the sudden death of Jimmy. smallville complete seasons dvd started out in the right momentum but surely now how long can they keep this up. Smallville still comes up with fresh and original episodes to date but little by little we can see smallville complete series the light at the end of the tunnel. The characters are laced with darkness surrounding their aura as the smallville 1-8 progresses but the producers feel that the plot will not be geared in total darkness.


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Join date : 2010-01-03

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