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There's a plane on the lane

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There's a plane on the lane Empty There's a plane on the lane

Post  Nancybaby Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:46 am

Tonight on "Desperate Housewives dvd box set ," a plane crashes the Christmas party.

Before we get to the big plane crash, we head back three days earlier to the Wisterians setting up their disney 100 years of magic dvd box set Christmas decorations.

Katherine, Mike & Susan
As Bree and Susan urge Golden Girls dvd Lynette and Gabby to make up, Katherine is wheeled out of her house on a stretcher. She fingers one tree hill dvd box set Mike as the person who stabbed her. When Susan goes to see her in the hospital, Katherine really has gone 'round that 70s show 1-8 dvdthe bend. She claims Mike stabbed her because she said she loved someone else, but it's kind-of flattering boston legal dvd he'd care that much. When Bob tells Susan only a family member can commit Katherine, Susan calls Dylan pretending friends dvd box set to be the British doctor and convinces her to come out.

When Dylan shows up, her story is that Katherine and Mike are married, Susan made a scene at their wedding and that Susan dexter dvd stabbed Katherine. OH MY GOD. Dylan is horrified to learn the truth and is on board to clear Mike and get her mom some help. Mash dvd box set When Dylan goes to see Katherine, Katherine cries and insists that Mike wants this so she can save him from Susan. Cold Case dvd She tries to leave the hospital and orderlies have to restrain her. It's really disturbing but good work by Dana Delany.

Bree & Orson
Bree serves Orson with divorce papers and tells Gilmore Girls dvd him his parole officer will see the pictures of him consorting with a felon if he refuses to sign them. House md dvd He tells her he was bluffing right from the start, he would never have sent her to jail. Orson overhears Bree talking to Karl Scrubs dvd box set and asks her not to go public with her new relationship until he's gone so that he can save a little face. Desperate Housewives dvd box set Meanwhile, Karl is hiring a little Cessna to fly over the Christmas party with a "Will you marry me, Bree?" banner. Oh dear.

The Scavos & Solises
Lynette has Penny clipping coupons and Tom is going to drop out of school to get a job, so Lynette goes to apologize. Criminal Minds dvd box setGabby's having none of it, though. It culminates in a fight at the Christmas party.

The Bolens
Danny assures the nurse that his name is Danny disney 100 years of magic dvd box set and she shouldn't call him Tyler; he must have been dreaming. Nurse Mona is on to them, though. She tells the Bolens she knows Golden Girls dvd they're in the witness protection program and Angie and Nick jump on the excuse (but clearly that's not the real reason). one tree hill dvd box set When Mona drives Danny home from the hospital, she says she's in on the secret, which prompts that 70s show 1-8 dvd him to reveal that his mom is a terrorist. Oops. Mona about swallows her tongue.

At home, Danny tells Angie what he boston legal dvd did and she tries to play it off to Mona as a lie by Danny but Mona instead blackmails Angie for $67,000 friends dvd box set so she can quit her job. Angie can only get $10,000 and her grandmother's wedding ring and when Mona says dexter dvd it's not enough, Angie reveals her back scars and says Mona needs to hear the whole story. Mona is not swayed Mash dvd box set and gives Angie one day to come up with the rest of the money. But fortunately, a plane is on its way into the lane.

Holiday Festival
The Jingle Belles sing, while Cold Case dvd Lynette and Gabby snipe at each other mid-performance, which devolves into a full-on fight. Bree has Gilmore Girls dvd a fit and makes them work things out. She storms off, as Karl comes to say hello. Orson assumes Karl is House md dvd swooping into get Bree's divorce proceedings business and tells Karl to beat it.

Karl then tries to cancel the Scrubs dvd box set plane that's on its way. Luckily, the crazy woman at the controls of the plane (who has taken over because her Desperate Housewives dvd box set pilot husband had a heart attack) gets instructions from the tower to drop the banner, which she does.

Bree overhears about the banner and is Grey’s anatomy dvd distraught about humiliating Orson. Karl rushes off to tell Orson the truth, so they step inside Santa's house to talk. disney 100 years of magic dvd box set Karl confesses that he's Bree's boyfriend and Orson punches him. And then again. A fight ensues. Bree tries to break it up, but now we're back to the plane.

Everyone just stands there watching Golden Girls dvd the plane. Mona is the first one hit (of course). Lynette says Gabby's Celia. The plane mows down Santa's house with Bree, Scrubs dvd box setOrson and Karl inside. We fade out on a bloody hand through the Santa house window.


Posts : 591
Join date : 2009-11-02

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