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Bones' Fan Columnist: Punky Pong, Anyone?

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Bones' Fan Columnist: Punky Pong, Anyone? Empty Bones' Fan Columnist: Punky Pong, Anyone?

Post  summersun Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:44 pm

It sure has seemed like forever since star trek voyager
there was a new Bones episode on- 14 days to be exact, but, I mean, who's counting? So, like all of you, I was really excited to see this new episode, "The Gamer in the Grease," but I must admit that I was terribly disappointed bybones complete series
it. The major reason why? Well,the wire 1-5 dvd
no super cute Booth and Bones moments, of course.
But, I guess I do have to give this monk dvd
episode some props. It definitely gets my vote for the most disgusting body found yet. Just how disgusting is it, you might ask? Well, basically, a body is found in a tank of grease, and when Booth and Bones go to fish it out, the skin falls off and the internal organs fall out. I mean, you Dexter dvd boxset
could say that it has decomposed just a bit.
When taken back to the lab, Bones discovers the victim was a mailman, and Booth is later able to identifystar trek voyager dvd
him as Steve Rifton. They then go to question hisstar trek voyager dvd
wife, and they find outstar trek voyager complete series
that Steve was not only a mailman but was two and a half men dvd
also the reigning world champion of a video game called Punky Pong. It's kind of like a throwback to Pac Man and a cross between Pong and Donkey Kong. It was created by Hart Hanson and the rest of theDisney dvd collection
Bones crew, and, if you're interested, you can actually play it at Fox's website.
After delving a little deeper, Booth learns that Steve had a perfectly clean record except for complaints from a man named Keith Seeger. Apparently, he complained that Rifton was trespassing on his property and was acting creepy aroundPrison break dvd
his son, Dougie. Mr. Seeger explains to Booth and Bones that Dougie is autistic, and the only thing he has in his life is Punky Pong. If taken away, he practically shuts down.
Although Booth and Bones suspect Billy Gabel, the reigning world champion of Punky Pong before Rifton, of killing Steve out of revenge, it is Hodgins who comes up with the crucial link to solving the murder. Based on the particulates found on the body, Hodgins is able to discover that the murder weapon was a golf club that came from the Annapolis Valley Golf Course. This just leaves Booth and Bones to check to see if any of their suspects golfed at Annapolis Valley.
As it so happens, Mr. Seeger is a That 70's show dvd
member of the Annapolis Valley Golf Course, and Booth and Bones identify him as Steve Rifton's murderer. Turns out, he killed Steve because he took the credit for Dougie's perfect game in Punky Pong. He filmed Dougie The unite dvd box set
playing and then reproduced it for himself to make it look like he had played the perfect game. Because all Dougie has in his life is Punky Pong, Mr. Seeger just could not let Steve get away with it. And, in the sweetest part of the episode, Booth and Bones return Dougie's Punky Pong game to him that had previously been confiscated as evidence.
Now on to the strangest partTrue blood dvd
of this episode: Sweets and Tory Payne. Sweets meets this girl while waiting in line to see the premiere of the new movie Avatar (Fisher has won two extra tickets and has decided to take Hodgins and Sweets), and he ends up getting a little frisky with her. I mean, yes, he was able to control himself before he did anything really awful, but still, if I were Daisy I would be furious. Bad Sweets! However, in the end, thanks to Hodgins, Sweets realizes that what he has with Daisy is more important than Lost dvd box set
how many women he was "pitched his tent" with.


Posts : 586
Join date : 2009-06-02

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Bones' Fan Columnist: Punky Pong, Anyone? Empty Re: Bones' Fan Columnist: Punky Pong, Anyone?

Post  summersun Fri Dec 04, 2009 7:47 pm

It's Top 10 times folks! It's star trek voyager
time for new partnerships, solos from all of the dancers, and if Nigel is to be trusted, one of this season's most exceptionalbones complete series
routines courtesy of Jakob Karr. And I, for the wire 1-5 dvd
one, am downright giddy about the possible awesomeness that awaits us tonight.
As always, you can watch along with monk dvd
me live right here and in Dexter dvd boxset
140 character quips over on BuddyTV's So You Think You Can Dance Twitter. But remember, tonight's show starts half an hour later due to a Presidential Address. Sit tight, So You Think You Can Dance will be on soon!
Alright, Presidential Address ran over aboutstar trek voyager dvd
six minutes, but it's Top 10 time!
So, who are you most surprised to see in the Top 10? Least surprised?
Can't say there are a ton ofstar trek voyager dvd
huge surprises for me, though the fact that both Noelle and Kathryn are in the Top 10 is a bit of a surprise. I can tell them star trek voyager complete series
apart now, while I couldn't at the beginning two and a half men dvd
and I do prefer Kathryn now, while initially I was Team Noelle. They still seem pretty similar stylistically and physically
Cat says this routine is not Lost dvd box set
suitable for work, butDisney dvd collection
it's all about work indiscretions. There's definitely some business happening at that desk! Noelle is selling the sex and Ryan looks much more comfortable in this sensual, lyrical style of hip hop than Prison break dvd
the hard hitting style heTrue blood dvd
had to portray for Lil C. Noelle's really feelling her character and is demonstrating great musicality, in fact I'd have to say this is one of her finest performances. She looks like a differentThat 70's show dvd
dancer tonight, perhaps finally not being out-shined by Russell. Good chemistry between the two, and I a solid, surprisingly The unite dvd box set
well matched couple. What a pleasant development.


Posts : 586
Join date : 2009-06-02

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